Communications Museum - Science and Arts Activity for Primary Students, 2022

  • Special Activities
  • Communications Museum - Science and Arts Activity for Primary Students, 2022


1. General Theme: Kaleidoscope

Kaleidoscope is an optical toy devised by Scottish scientist and inventor David Brewster in 1817. This activity aims to show the creativity of students, from design to assembly, as they attempt to build a unique kaleidoscope, and learn the relevant scientific principles through the construction process, presenting their rich artistic imagination and promoting the initiative "Dare to experiment. Dare to discover".

2. Qualifications: All full-time primary students in Macao are qualified to participate. But, each participant can only join one team.

  • Group A - Parent-child Team: Maximum of 2 students in each team, with a mix of primary 1 to 3 students and their parents;
  • Group B - School Team: There is no limit to number of school teams in participation. Maximum of 3 students in each team, with a mix of primary 4 to 6 students.

3. Work Requirement:

  • The submitted work must be handmade and assembled; kaleidoscope modifications from existing products will not be accepted.
  • The submitted work must fulfil the basic function of a kaleidoscope. There is no restriction on production material, appearance, shape, size or decoration of the work;
  • Each team can only submit ONE work. The title of the submitted work is proposed by the team;
  • The complete entry for judgement should include:
  • Description of the scientific principles and uniqueness of submitted work (Maximum 150 words in Chinese, 400 words in English/Portuguese);
  • FOUR photos (Photos up to 1MB each, jpeg/jpg format): First photo to show manufacturing materials, second and third photos to show the manufacturing/construction work process, fourth photo with the finished work already with decoration.

4. Prizes:

  • Three Excellence Prizes: Selected from each category, will be awarded with certificate, trophy and coupons valued at MOP2,000.00;
  • Participation Award for Group B: A trophy will be awarded to the school that has submitted the most number of works meeting the entry requirements;
  • Supervisors of Group B: Maximum of two in each team will be presented with souvenirs. Souvenirs will not repeatedly be given to the same supervisors;
  • Winning works will be exhibited at the Museum, and/or at other locations under the coordination of Communications Museum.

5. Registration and Work Submission:

  • Online registration: at, fill the participation information and upload the FOUR required photos in the Registration Form. When the registration is finished, the system will send the Participation number by email, as an identification to submit the physical work;
  • Submission of physical work: The Participation number must be clearly marked on the Physical work (Figure 1), and must be submitted to the Reception of Communications Museum before deadline;
  • Deadline for registration: 22:00 on 11/01/2023(Wednesday). Registration will not be accepted after the deadline;
  • Deadline for submission of physical work: 17:30 on 12/01/2022(Thursday). Submission will not be considered for judging after the deadline.

6. Judges: Organizer and co-organizer will invite professionals to be the jury. The result is subject to the final decision by the jury.

7. Evaluation Criteria: Art & creativity (50%), science principle and production skills (30%), photos & description (20%);

  • Art performance & creativity: Entire design, novelty, uniqueness and innovation of the work;
  • Scientific principle and production skills: Application of science principles with accurate explanation and proficiency in the use of the materials;
  • Photos & decoration: Visual effects of photos, concise & fluent description.

8. Declaration:

  • All effective staff of Macao Post & Telecommunications Bureau is not allowed to participate in the Contest.
  • Personal data, collected in the activity and registration form will be used for the arrangement of activity and handled according to the Statement of Personal Data Collection Macao Post & Telecommunications Bureau;
  • The content of the creative work cannot contain any indecent, violent or illegal content and must not violate the laws of Macao SAR;
  • The submitted work must not have been previously published, awarded any prizes or be bound by any copyright restrictions;
  • The Organizer reserves the rights to broadcast submitted entries in the Communications Museum or other media channels for the purpose of promotion without prior permission of the participants or remuneration;
  • All submitted works shall not be returned. The copyright of the winning works will belong to Macao Post & Telecommunications Bureau.

Organizer: Enquiry:
Communications Museum
Ms. Cheang, Mr. Ieong
Macau Society of Biomedical Engineering
Address: Estrada de D.Maria II, no.7
Tel: (853) 2871 8063 / 2871 8570

Figure 1: Participation number