Visitors can receive the Transmitted Sound Signal by aiming the Parabolic Antenna to one of the Flashing Sources located throughout the Museum.
There are two Screens that are interconnected by more then 1,000 Plastic Optical Fibres. If the visitor puts Acrylic Pieces of different Colors on top of the Illuminated Screen, the other Screen displays the Color and Shape Information of the Objects.
There is a Plastic Bar Model, which simulates the Light Transmission inside an Optcial Fibre. Visitors can rotate the Laser Source and observe the Laser Beam reflected from one wall to another, but staying always inside the Bar due to the Tatal Internal Reflection.
This Exhibit shows how Time Division Multiplexing interleaves small Units of different Data Sources into the corresponding Time Slots and Transmits the Data Sources simultaneously by combining them into a Single Data Stream. At the Receiving End, the Single Data Stream would be decomposed into the original Data Sources.
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Last Modified Date: 23/9/2024