The following movies, projected in the Mini Theatre, with durations from 6 to 8 minutes can be selected in Cantonese, Mandarin, Portuguese or English: A Day of Mr. Postman; The Art of Macao Stamps; The Journey of the Mail; Communication Engineering.
A Day of Mr. Postman
The work of the postmen is hard but meaningful. Through the presentation of the daily work of a postman, A Chong, the audiences are able to understand the enjoyment and hardship of the work of the postmen, and how meaningful the job is for them.
The Art of Macao Stamps
Several famous Macao Stamp designers share with the audiences their opinions about the differences between Stamp design and graphic design. They also speak about their most satisfactory artwork, the features of Macao Stamps, the significance of philately and their feelings about, and expectations of, Stamps.
The Journey of the Mail
By using personification, the film depicts the process of mail delivery, from posting, to handling and then finally transporting to the destination.
Communication Engineering
This film presents the evolution of telecommunication: the invention of telegraph, the invention of telephone, the discovery of radio waves, the establishment of radio stations, satellite TV broadcasting, the invention of fiber optics, the invention of the internet, and mobile phones.
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Last Modified Date: 23/9/2024