Stamp Festival, 2012


1. Objective: To encourage youth to make use of the resources in libraries and museums for information gathering and problem solving.

2. Format of Activity: Sharing of stories or life experiences. Participants are welcomed to collect information in libraries or museums to enrich the content of their stories.

3. Theme: "Story on the Stamps":

4. Qualifications: All full-time students from primary 1 to 4 in Macao are qualified for participation one of the following categories:

Grade / Language Cantonese Putonghua
Primary 1 to 2 Category 1 Category 2
Primary 3 to 4 Category 3 Category 4

5. Prizes:

  • The best three works of each category will be awarded a certificate, a MOP300 book voucher and a quota for joining "A Tour at Hong Kong Museums".
  • The supervisor of each best works (parent or teacher) will be awarded a quota for joining "A Tour at Hong Kong Museums".
  • "A Tour at Hong Kong Museums": The quota for the tour is non-transferrable and will not be repeatedly awarded to the same person. The organizers will sponsor the ferry tickets, transportation, lunch and insurance for the tour which is held on 27 January 2013 (Sunday). The participants will visit the Hong Kong Science Museum and the Hong Kong Museum of History. If the participant decides to forego the tour, no compensation will be granted.

6. Registration and Deadline:

  • Registration:
    1. Submit the completed Registration Form to: Communications Museum (Estrada de D. Maria II, No. 7, Macau), Macao Central Library (Av. Conselheiro Ferreira de Almeida, No.89 A,B); or
    2. Register Online at the websites: ;
  • Deadline for registration: on 15 November 2012 (Thursday)

7. Date of Activities and Announcement of Results:

  • Date of Contest: Auditorium of Communications Museum on 1 December 2012 (Saturday afternoon).
  • Announcement of result: To be announced on the websites of Communications Museum and Macao Central Library on 14 December 2012.
  • Prize presentation: Auditorium of Communications Museum on 1 March 2013.

8. Judges: The organizers, Macao Central Library and Communications Museum, will invite professionals to be the judges. The result is subject to the final decision of the judges.

9. Scoring Criteria:

  • Content: Storytelling. The participant has to choose one topic from the above-mentioned selection, and then search for relevant information and create a story about the topic.
  • Time limit: 10 minutes per participant for categories 1 and 2; 15 minutes per participant for categories 3 and 4.
  • Scoring criteria:
    1. Content of story (30%): Complete story and characters.
    2. Language ability (30%): Use of verbal language in storytelling; rhythm and intonation.
    3. Presentation skills (30%): Body language and facial expressions, role-playing and expressiveness.
    4. Creativity (10%): Use of supplementary tools or methods in presentation, e.g. props, costumes, etc.

10. Declaration:

  • Personal data, photos or video images collected in the activity and registration form will be used for the arrangement of activity and handled according to the Personnel Data Collection Policy Statement of Macao Central Library and Macao Post.
  • The Organizers reserve the right to interpret, explain or decide on any other issues not covered in the Regulations.