"Telecommunication over Decades" Special Exhibition

Store of Our Childhood

Store of Our Childhood

Supermarket was uncommon in the 60's and 70's of last century. People went to buy fresh food from the market every day. Stores were like supermarkets today, selling groceries and even snacks. Going back to the era when telephone was still uncommon, visitors can turn on the radio at "Tung Kei" store to learn about how life was in those days. They can also have a peep of the pricing of goods at that time. As telephone was still not yet common for every household, people usually sent letters or telegram for distant communication. You may read the letters in the mailbox at the door of "Tung Kei"; or take a look of the telegram hung inside the store. If someone had to make a phone call, stores like "Tung Kei" was one of the most convenient places to ask for telephone usage. Let us ask for using the telephone at the store, and look up the notebook beside it!



Before the 60's in the last century, telephone was not popular in Macao. Postal service is the main channel of communication for local residents. Surface mail was used for personal mails, government letters, commercial correspondence and bills, etc. Air mail, registered mail and telegram were not commonly used due to their high charges.

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In the 60's, telegram was the fastest way of external communication for emergency. However sending telegram was rather costly. The sender first had to write his brief message on the telegram form. If it was in Chinese, it had to be translated into the telegraph code before the telegraph operator could send it out. In the same way, the telegram delivered by the postmen to the recipient had to be decoded into Chinese.

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Store Telephone

Store Telephone

From the 60's to mid 70's, telephone usage gradually increased. However, it was still expensive and complicated to apply for a telephone. Moreover, the coverage of underground cables was not sufficient to provide full service. If people wanted to make telephone calls, they would usually borrow it from their neighbors or shops nearby. Some people would join together and apply for one telephone. Then one family would be the operator to call for others to answer the phone calls.

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International Call

International Call

From the 60's to 70's, telephone calls generally worked within the city. If people wanted to use their phone to make international calls, they had to apply for such service at the CTT. Otherwise, they had to go to the CTT and make the call through the operator, or set up a phone call with the called party at the specified time. International calls were very expensive at that time. Unless it was for emergency, people normally would not be willing to spend on international calls.

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The golden age of radio broadcasting was between the 50's and the 70's. Radio Macao and Radio Vila Verde were very popular. Every family and factory workers liked to listen to the stories, Chinese opera singing, Mandarin and Cantonese pops and the song dedication programs on the radio. During typhoon seasons, children and fishermen paid most attention to the typhoon news updates on the radio. Until the mid 60's, the radio installed at shops and cafés required an annual license fee of MOP36.40 but a charge of MOP18.20 for household radio.

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