Beijing 2008 Olympic Games Special Activity

Amazing Stamps of the Olympics

Since the Greek Postal Administration issued stamps to commemorate the opening of the first modern Olympic Games in 1896, many postal administrations of the world also issue stamps for celebration. In additional to the theme of sports, stamps of Olympic Games are also classified as a topical collection.
Target Students
Primary 3 to Primary 6
Activity Number
Please choose one activity below and notify the number during reservation
"Olympic Games - Stamp Exhibition"+"The Olympics on Stamps"
Activity Number 2008S2-001
Highlights After enjoying real Olympic stamps in exhibition or virtual stamps shown in the Large Stamp Projection, students can cut and fold the leaflet introducing the Olympics to make a unique "Stamp Cube". If time allows, let us do the worksheet "Find Differences" together.
"The Olympics on Stamps"
Activity Number 2008S2-002
Highlights A mini-seminar is conducted to introduce interesting stamps of Olympic Games, such as the shape, perforation and colour, etc.