2008 Summer Activity - Communications Museum

Exploring Electricity and Magnetism

Learn basic knowledge of electricity and magnetism, their relationship with the human beings and their applications in our daily life to enhance understanding to the operation of electrical appliances and safety devices through experiments, animations, worksheets, simple electric circuits and daily life examples.


  1. Introduction to electricity
    • What are power supply, electric current and voltage
    • Conductor and Insulator
    • Basic electric circuits
    • Experiment: Lemon Tea Battery
  2. How do electrical appliances work and electrical safety devices
    • The effect of electricity: Heat, light, sound, power of magnet & movement
    • Socket & plug
    • Electrical safety devices and regulations
    • How can you handle when electrical appliances catch fire and when someone gets electric shock
  3. Wonderful magnet
    • Magnet and magnetic field
    • Compass and magnetization
    • The relationship between magnet and electricity
  4. Electricity and magnetism in our daily life
    • Applications of electricity and magnetism
    • The transmission of electricity
    • Electrical safety
    • Energy efficiency and environmental protection